Development and introduction to the market of an innovative service based on the technology of monitoring vital functions, with the use of modern ICT solutions.


The project entitled “Increasing the competitiveness of SOURCETECH Bohdan Drzymała by developing and introducing to the market an innovative service based on technologies, improving the quality of life of the most vulnerable social groups, in particular the elderly” implemented under the program “Development of Entrepreneurship and Innovation” co-financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism, 2014 -2021.

The place of the implementation of the project is Przemyśl, real estate at Stanisław Leszczyński St.

Project implementation date: 02/11/2020 – 30/04/2023

Project value: 17 277 759.00 zł      Value of eligible costs: 14 062 800.00 zł     Co-financing value: 8 456 585.00 zł

The aim of the project

is to increase the competitiveness and to strengthen the potential of SOURCETECH by developing and introducing to the market an innovative service based on the vital functions monitoring technology (developed as a part of R&D works) with the use of modern ICT solutions. Applicant, in order to implement the solution, will launch an innovative senior nursing home equipped with modern telemedicine, telemetry and IT systems, which in turn will contribute to the diversification of the company. The investment will be based on technology acquired by license. The proposed service and technology will be implemented by the Applicant on the first implementation principle.

Implementation of the project

The realization of the project will be divided into 4 key tasks, where



will consist of the implementation of construction, finishing and installation services in accordance with the investor’s cost estimate. As a part of this task, the implementation of construction works has been scheduled in the following range:

  1. Demolition and Preparatory works
  2. Installation and Construction works: earthworks
  3. Installation and Construction works: load-bearing structures (concrete, reinforced concrete and brick), foundations, substructure and floors, plasters and paints, wall and ceiling cladding, suspension of ceilings
  4. Installation and Construction works: joinery, locksmith, facades
  5. Installation and Construction works: electrical, teletechnical and central heating  installations, boiler room, water and sewage installations
  6. Installation and Construction works: ventilation and air-conditioning installation

Fixed assets

will concern the purchase of new fixed assets that are necessary for the implementation of the project, including: IT, rehabilitation, diagnostic and electronic equipment, furniture, podium and sound system, beacons and textile resources.



will be based on the purchase of intangible assets in the form of a license



will be focused on the implementation of development works, broken down into individual stages, where:

Etap 1

Designing the electronic part of the installation: preparing the technological documentation of the prototype, including the beacon installation plan. The results created at this stage will be used for the prototype work, software development and practical tests.

Etap 2

Development and installation of a wiring diaphragm –teletechnics; development of a wiring diagram in order to define the connection between all the components as well as the method of their power supply. On its basis, the library items will be automatically downloaded and the connections will be assigned to them.

Etap 3

Development and production of the navigation installation prototype: in order to develop the software, installing and testing in real conditions, a prototype will be created that enables verification of the implementation of assumptions and the interoperability of the electronic part with the system.  The result will be a prototype of the installation and the device. It will allow for practical product testing, as well as software development and ongoing testing.

Etap 4

Development and implementation of a mobile device software prototype, creating of a IT platform and system subscription: the application will allow receiving messages sent and displayed by the system, including: -user’s interface, responsible for displaying data in a readable graphic form with reference to the specifics of the presented data, -radio interface-performing tasks related to the detection of the nearby beacons, receiving data and transmitting it to the user’s interface and reading the radio power of a given receiver. – module manager- performing tasks in the background regarding  the managing of the application, sleep mode, supervising radio communication, reacting to user’s actions. It will result in the creation of a mobile application prototype designed to work with the device.

Etap 5

Validation and optimalisation of the system, including the testing on the end-users and software modifications. This stage will include checking whether the design assumptions have been met. Practical tests will be carried out using the prototype with its mobile application. All functionalities to be offered by the product will be checked to determine if they have been implemented properly and work well. Long-term tests will also be performed in order to check the stability of the system, resistance to error that may occur in the real environment (electromagnetic interference, range loss etc.). Appropriate corrections will be made upon detecting the possibility of improving the product or finding faults in its operation. The result of this task will be a final report specifying the compliance of the device and software with the assumptions.

Etap 6

Final validation and optimisation of the system and the start of the service provision.  Start of the service provision: 24 April 2023.


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